donated $1,000

Donated $1,000

How much can we raise?
save the reef - slay them all
helping the underwater world above & below the surface

Before each Lionfish Derby there is an educational session to learn about Lionfish and how their invasion has affected non-native waters.
The educational talk is avalble to those participating and those just curious. We have adjusted our talks to Zoom.

Our Derbies are individual entries with cash prizes for SMALLEST and LARGEST Lionfish caught.
Each Derby is run slightly different but the base of them remains the same. You will drift multiple wreck treks or an entire reef line all while looking for Lionfish!

The proceeds from the Lionfish Derbies always benefit different non-profits that have to do with marine education and conservation.
In 2019, we donated $5,000 to the Miami Dade Reef Guard Association to benefit the Signature Wreck Project.
In 2020, despite being a hard year for everyone, we were able to raise $1,000 to History of Diving Museum and $1,000 to Sharks4Kids!
save the reef - slay them all